The 23rd Annual VIP Waiters Challenge for the United Way of the Desert was held on March 22nd at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort and Spa in the Emerald Ballroom. Tables were decorated as TV shows of the past as the Theme this year was “The Golden Age of TV”.
Each table had guests in the costume of the TV show. Some had Mickey Mouse Ears, Others wore crowns for Queen for a Day TV Show. The Jetsons table had guests with wooden triangle collars and Antenna head pieces. Others were dressed in Western attire, Black Tie suits and Furs, Gowns and Colored Tee Shirts. A few gentlemen dressed as women. Tables were elegant in the design of the Show they represented.
A game show where 4 contestants had to push a button to beat the others to answer a trivia question. Each correct answer was worth 5 points with the winner getting 5 correct answers for a score of 25. The winner got to chose which charity they wanted their winnings to go to. Prizes consisted of such needed items as toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water, cases of cereals and foods. Some winners chose food kitchens that cater to the needy. THe emcee would call out the names of the lucky contestants from various tables to come on stage and participate.
After dessert and the game show was over, Music and Dancing by Music Affair Entertainment followed. This is a fun party so guests could let their hair down while in a costume. Tables were purchased by local businesses and organizations. United Way provides assistance for Human Health and Youth care, Family emergences and other needs of local Coachella Valley and Morongo Basin Residents.