DEATHTRAP, A thriller in two acts. One set, five characters, a juicy murder in Act One, unexpected developments in Act Two. Sound construction, good dialogue, laughs in the right places, Highly commercial. So begins the plotting and planning by Sidney Bruhl, a down and out playwright, to once again have a successful play.
Currently running through February 9th at Theatre 29, “Deathtrap”, A thriller in two acts by Ira Levin, follows the exploits of Sidney, Clifford, Myra, Helga and Porter in the pursuit of the perfect play.
As Myra Bruhl, played by Janet Peercy, asked Sidney Bruhl, played by Leonard Weber, “Would you ….actually kill someone to have another successful play?” After a brief pause Sidney replies “Don’t be foolish darling, Of course I would.”
Enter Clifford Anderson, played by Benjamin Bees, author of the “…a gifted director couldn’t hurt it” play. Watch closely as the many facets of Clifford are revealed.
All appears to be well until the arrival of a Dutch physic Helga Ten Dorp, played by Judy Andreshak, who finds lost car keys under clothes dryers.
As if things were not muddled enough, enter Sidney’s attorney, Porter Milgrim, played by Tom Highfill. Suffice it to say that Porter is ‘sharp…dull…but sharp”
Does DEATHTRAP exist or is it just a ruse, will Clifford and Sidney actually collaborate on the “ shaping and pointing up in the right places” necessary to make DEATHTRAP the play of the year. Who is the “woman will use dagger again…not in play but because of play” as “seen” by Helga Ten Dorp.
DEATHTRAP..A thriller which will leave you guessing even after the final curtain has fallen. Running Friday and Saturday nights through February 9 with a 2:30 matinee Sunday, February 3.
For tickets, Call the Theatre 29 Box Office at https://mail.google.com/mail/