The Desert Hot Springs City Council met in regular session at the Carl May Center on Tuesday night, February 21, 2012. New police officer Greg Blum was sworn in. He and his wife Melissa are expecting their first child “any minute” now according to her! Among other things he’s done, Greg is a former professional baseball player, including some time with the Minnesota Twins (my team!) WELCOME Greg!
Elks Club gives a check for 1650 dollars to Mike Platt for Little League ~Photo Bruce Montgomery
New police officer Greg Blum gets badge pinned on by his wife Melissa ~Photo Bruce Montgomery
Sgt Detective Ken Peary vice president of police union and two other board members state their desire to continue working together and getting back to main business of protecting our citizens ~Photo Bruce Montgomery
Sgt Ken Peary and supporters received a standing ovation for their expression of unity and support for the PD leadership ~Photo Bruce Montgomery
DHS Police Chief Patrick Williams welcomes new policeman Greg Blum ~Photo Bruce Montgomery
New police officer Greg Blum smiles at Chief Williams comments about hair and the lack thereof ~Photo Bruce Montgomery
DHSPD Chief Patrick Williams gives shiny new badge speech ~Photo Bruce Montgomery