Kudos to the firefighters on engines 35, BS 35, 36, 37 and 56 and Fire Chief Pat Tomlinson of the Riverside County Fire Department on their quick response to our 911 call mid afternoon today. They were able to contain the smoldering fire caused by the fan in the vent of one of the Ladies Rest Rooms catching fire. We lost the one rest room, but praise the Lord and thanks to the firefighters they kept it from spreading. So glad it happened during the day, and that Rositta smelled the smoke. Hate to think what would have happened had it been in the middle of the night.
The firefighters were remarkably efficient, and courteous. They kept the damage to a minimum, and went the extra mile in sweeping up debris from the rest room and hallway, and blowing out as much smoke from the building as they could. JOB WELL DONE, and we are very, very grateful.
And thanks to Police Chief Patrick Williams, who called me on my cell phone before the firefighters left just to make sure I was okay!
I LOVE the people of this little city on a hill, and am so glad we get to live here.