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Half of recent grads can’t get full-time work, study shows

Half of new college grads are unable to get work

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2012. We’ll be expecting you at the welfare office!

In recent months, the US Department of Labor has documented official jobless benefit claims as finally on the decline after years of figures teetering close to 10 percent. For recent college grads, however, that slump is still there and worse than you might imagine. According to recent data studied by The Associated Press, more than half of the country’s recent college graduates are either without a job or grossly underemployed.

The AP cites a new report out of Northeastern University that reveals 53.6 percent of Americans with a bachelor’s degree under the age of 25 are either without work or desperately in need full-time employment. In all, that’s around 1.5 million young Americans who either cannot find work or are left to settle with working limited hours for limited pay.

Read the whole article…

DHS “State of the City” speech by Mayor Yvonne Parks

Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet and DHS Mayor Yvonne Parks ˜photo by Bruce Montgomery

Mayor Yvonne Parks gave the “State of the City” address at the Desert Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Luncheon at the Miracle Springs Spa and Hotel.

Some of the highlights are on the photos of slides in this set. City leaders, staff and community business members and residents gave her many rounds of applause in appreciation for the progress which the city has made this past year.

Check out the great photos by Bruce Montgomery; just click the link!

‘One Night Only’ held its cast party

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

One Night Only held its cast party on Tuesday night April 17th at the private home of David Lee and Mark Nichols in Palm Springs. Cast members and guests enjoyed an evening of nice weather and great conversation. It gave the cast time to enjoy each others company outside of rehearsals for the performance at the McCallum Theatre on Wed. April 18th.

Producer Michael Childers along with President Don Levy and Michelle Anstadt, Executive Director also got to meet with the cast in an informal setting. Honorary Co-chairs, Helene Galen, Annette BLoch, Barbara Keller and Harold Matzxner along with event cHairs Barbara From and Sherry Schor were there to greet and thank all the members of the cast, the guests and the hosts for the evening.

David Lee and Mark Nichols were excellent hosts providing delicious food and drinks for all. Their beautiful home held a spectacular view of the mountain where the guests were seated around the pool or in the back patio for a relaxed atmosphere. This is part of the tradition of One Night Only. Newcomers to the performance got to meet previous cast members and crew of this event .

One Night Only: the music of The Gershwins

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

Michel Childers produced his One Night Only performance a the McCallum Theatre for the Performing Arts on April 18th. The theme this year celebrated the music of The Gershwins. The best of Broadway and Hollywood performed for a sold out crowd again this year. The concert benefits Jewish Family Services of the Desert.

Topping the list of performers this year were Lucie Arnza, Ann Hamption Callaway, Michelle Lee and Jason Graae. Other notables that have performed at this concert were Alix Korey, Marilyn Maye, Valarie Pettiford, Loretta Devine, Carole Cook, Freda Payne, Other singers included, Lypsinka, Gary SHaw, Rex Smith, Von Smith, James Snyder, Billy Stritch , Nina Whitaker,Brandon Victor Dixon, Rogelio Douglas, jr. Elissa Hurley Cassidy, Patrick Cassidy, David Burnham, Brent Barrett, Bradley Baker and Angel Blue. Each of these performers are very well known and have been givens many awards.

Some of the songs were S’Wonderful, Oh,Lady Be Good, Embraceable You,I got Rhythm,The Man I Love, Summertime and Somebody Loves Me. The guests gave a lot of Standing Ovations for these and other songs. The finale brought streamers down on the performers as
they all filed on stage.

The evening of Song was one of the best ever. Songs ranged from more pop tunes to operatic material. Each person brought something new to the stage. Carol Cook brought her comedic talent along with Lypsinka. A musical skit was performed by Jason Graae and Alix Korey. The vocals were amazing, ranging from a baritone to a soprano. The final songs were accompanied by the Voices of Calvalry Choir.

President of the Board of Directors is Donald Levy and Executive Director is Michelle Anstadt. They expressed their thanks to all the efforts of the people invovled in making this night such a success.

Honorary Co-chairs included Annette Bloch, Barbara Keller, Helene Galen and Harold Matzner, Event co-chairs were Barbara Fromm and Sherry Schor. Calvin Remsberg directed the performance with Ron Abel as Musical Director and Ken Katz as Executive Producer.

A Provocative Look Into The “Infidelity War Zone” At Cv Rep

Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic

“Love and Marriage” may be the title of a popular and light-hearted pop song from the 60’s, but a peek into the war zone of infidelity, now on stage at the Coachella Valley Repertory Theatre in Rancho Mirage, presents a deeper and a more complex look into the subject matter.

     CV Rep’s mission statement, in part, says “… to present innovative, and at times, adult-themed professional productions as well as outreach programs that enrich and enhance and impact the quality of life for residents and visitors…” which it certainly has done with its two previous productions at the group’s permanent home in the Atrium, in Rancho Mirage.

     The absolutely superb actor Judith Chapman (8 years starring on TV’s “The Young and the Restless”) brought her brilliant one-woman show “Vivien” to CV Rep as the opening production for the new acting group.  Following “Vivien”, artistic director Ron Celona presented “The Woolgatherer”, another first-rate professional production.  Now CV Rep presents the unconventional drama “What the Night is For”.

     Playwright Michael Weller’s provocative play directed by Celona, grapples with the sensuous and seductive side of infidelity within two marriages.  The two-character story revolves around two former lovers, now both married to others, who meet in a hotel room away from their homes and families.  Their apparent reasons for reconnecting are merely to meet for a harmless meal and talk about the “old days”.  Each, however, has a hidden agenda, which only emerges with time.  The result is a highly charged night of honesty, deceit, passion, hope, and regret.  If one considers society’s current mores and cultural zeitgeist, the ending will appeal to those who like to draw their own speculative conclusions, in contrast to those provided by the playwright.

     Peter Trencher as Adam, and Jan Broberg as Melinda, sizzle as the two ex lovers, who ultimately ignite the stage with compelling performances when discussing the past and surveying the present minefield and pitfalls of reconnecting again.  It’s a deliciously seat-squirming experience.  To be sure, there are some laugh lines (possibly audience nervous laughter?), but the two actors perform so extraordinarily well together that one almost experiences guilt feelings for eavesdropping on a real illicit assignation.  Broberg’s Melinda role is the flashier of the two and she delivers a tour de force performance in the process.  Trencher’s Adam, however, is more than equal to the pressure of Melinda’s passionate outbursts.

       Celona has infused the production with many clever directorial touches.  For example, the choreography required for Broberg to go from being naked on stage, wrapped only in a bed sheet, and then to get fully dressed – in plain sight of the audience – without appearing salacious, is a feat that would make Gypsy Rose Lee proud.  

     If Weller’s play seems a bit long, as it did for me, perhaps some judicious trimming might be in order as a way of ameliorating the length of the drama (Remember the oft quoted adage, “less is better”… and stronger).

     If there is a bone to pick with this production it’s the story that is the issue, not the actors or the technical credits.  The actors are “cooking” up there on that stage, and the creative team delivers on the production credits.  Jimmy Cuomo’s clean functional set design, along with lighting designer Ian Comstock and costumes by Aalsa Lee, give the production a neat, trim, and quality look.

     “What the Night is For” runs through May 6th.  For reservations and ticket information call 760-296-2966 or go online at www.cvrep.org

The California Department of Housing and Community Development Announces $55 Million in awards for mortgage assistance and rehabilitation loans.



Sacramento –The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) today announced awards from the CalHome General Program totaling more than $55 million. HCD will allocate the awards for first time homebuyer mortgage assistance loans and owner occupied rehabilitation loans.


Fifty-two different local governments and non-profit housing organizations will receive funding throughout the State. A detailed listing of the award recipients and the amounts of those awards are attached to this press release, below.

“Today’s CalHOME awards will allow many low income Californians to achieve and maintain homeownership within their communities,” said HCD Director Linn Warren.


Localities or nonprofit organizations that receive CalHome awards will in turn make deferred-payment or forgivable loans available to individual homeowners or homebuyers. The awards will fund the following homeowner activities:


·         Mortgage assistance for low or very low income first-time homebuyers

·         Owner-occupied rehabilitation for low or very low income homeowners


In 2006, California voters approved Proposition 1C, the Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006. Prop 1C extended HCD’s existing CalHome Program. The intent of the CalHome Program is to increase homeownership, encourage neighborhood revitalization and sustainable development, and maximize use of existing homes.


HCD provides leadership, policies, and programs to preserve and expand safe and affordable housing opportunities and promote strong communities for all Californians. The Department also supports increasing the supply of housing, especially affordable housing and works to improve the state’s housing conditions and the health and safety of its residents. HCD is California’s lead housing department, and is part of the state Business, Transportation and Housing Agency.


A listing of the awarded applicants is attached.


For further information, please contact:  cparent@hcd.ca.gov