Capone, the two year-old bait dog rescued by Animal Samaritans in February, celebrated his adoption day party on April 12. Beth Gruff, Owner and Medical Director of It’s the Pits Animal Rescue in San Diego, had been fostering Capone since early March. Now that’s he’s available, there’s no shortage of adopters. In fact, the hard part will not be finding him a home, but rather selecting the best match.
AnSams’ Adoption Alliance Rescue Coordinator Michelle Bergeron traveled to It’s the Pits to reunite with the dog she rescued from Riverside County Animal Services (RCAS). During Capone’s Adoption Day Debut, she saw over 100 fans of the abused bait dog oohing and awing over his recovery. Bergeron, who admits to sobbing like a baby in front of most of them (and not caring either), couldn’t have been more pleased.
“He’s put on at least ten pounds. He looks incredible,” she said. “And happy too.” Bergon traveled to San Diego with three other AnSams’ staff members, and JoMarie Upengui, a vet technician from RCAS who assisted in Capone’s release from the local pound–and wonderful ally in the fight to save animals.

See local media coverage of Capone at: KMIR 6 coverage
Back in late February, animal control officers responded to a call about an injured dog in the City of Coachella and brought the dog now called Capone to RCAS. At the time, it was almost certain he would die from his abuse, or need to be put down. He had a gaping axe wound to his head, dozens of bite marks about his face and neck, ticks, fleas, and was so emaciated he could hardly stand–undeniable signs that Capone had been some dog fighter’s bait dog, used to bait illegal fight dogs, then discarded as useless trash.
Today, thanks to Bergeron’s efforts, and Animal Samaritans’ partners in animal rescue, RCAS and It’s the Pits, Capone has a new life with a bright future.