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Cecil internet rage forces dentist lion killer to hide & close clinic

150727121814-cecil-the-lion-2-medium-plus-169The Minnesota dentist accused of killing a beloved Zimbabwean lion has gone into hiding after a social media storm that included death threats. In a statement to the press, he claimed the hunt was legal. Hunting tourists kill about 600 lions annually.

Cecil, a 13-year-old lion in Hwange National Park, was killed earlier this month. He was reportedly lured outside the park, shot with an arrow, and followed for 40 hours before the hunters finished him off with a gunshot. Zimbabwean officials blamed a Western hunter for the kill, and identified him as Dr. Walter Palmer of Minnesota to a UK newspaper, the Telegraph, on Tuesday.

What followed was a veritable “volcano of hate,” according to one social media analyst.

As people around the world called for Palmer’s death and dismemberment, posted his phone number, home address and other details online, and trashed his practice in online reviews, the dentist went into hiding.

One local news reporter went out to Palmer’s office, finding it closed. Signs denouncing the dentist as a murderer and “scum bag” (sic) were posted on the door, while a collection of stuffed animals – with a plush lion front and center – adorned the entrance as a makeshift memorial. Animal rights activists have scheduled a protest in front of the office on Wednesday afternoon.

The dentist defended his actions in a statement sent late on Tuesday to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

“I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion,” Palmer said.

I hired several professional guides and they secured all proper permits. To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted,” the dentist added. “I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt.”

Zimbabwean authorities say it was Palmer’s guide who reported Cecil’s death to the authorities, saying it was a mistake. Theo Bronkhorst of Bushman Safaris faces a charge of poaching, along with the owner of the land on which Cecil was shot, identified as Honest Trymore Ndlovu. Palmer has not been charged yet, though the authorities said he might be.

Trophy-hunting tourists legally kill more than kill 600 lions each year, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). That is approximately 2 percent of the entire African lion population, currently estimated at 30,000. A 2011 report by the International Fund for Animal Welfare said that between 1999 and 2008, American hunters accounted for 64 percent of the kills.

A July 1 post on the Facebook page of Bronkhorst’s company thanked everyone who ‘liked’ the page for “understanding how we as hunters do far more for conservation of our wildlife than anti hunters whom probably almost 100% have never even seen or been around our wildlife.”

Responses to the post have called hunters “sick psychopaths”, “spawns of Satan”, “lower than scum” and “like Hitler.”

An employee at Palmer’s office told reporters the practice will remain shut through the rest of the week. After Tuesday’s social media mobbing, there is no telling whether it will ever reopen, though.




Cincinnati police officer charged with murder of unarmed man

Dubose had a lengthy criminal record, including over 75 traffic and drug charges in Hamilton County, the Guardian reported. However, his family said he was not a violent man, but rather the father of 13 children who was engaged to be married.

The Cincinnati, Ohio police officer accused of killing an unarmed black man during a traffic stop has been indicted by a grand jury and charged with murder, the county prosecutor said. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Officer Ray Tensing.

Tensing, who is a white member of the University of Cincinnati Police Department (UCPD), pulled over Samuel Dubose, a 43-year-old African-American man, on Sunday night because the officer said the driver was missing the front license plate on his car. After a brief struggle between the two men, Dubose’s car rolled forward, knocking Tensing to the ground. Tensing then shot Dubose in the head.

“I have been doing this for 30 years, and this is the most asinine act by a police officer I have ever seen,” Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said during a press conference announcing the murder charge against Tensing. “This is without question a murder.”

Deters said that his office has reviewed hundreds of police shootings, and that Tensing “should never have been a police officer.”

“It is our belief that he was not dragged. If you slow down this tape you see what happens, it is a very slow period of time from when the car starts rolling to when a gun is out and he’s shot in the head,” Deters said.

“[Dubose] was simply, slowly rolling away,” he added.

The prosecutor said that the reason for the traffic stop was “a pretty chicken crap stop,” and that Tensing “purposely killed” Dubose.

“He wasn’t dealing with someone who was wanted for murder. He was dealing for someone who was wanted for not having a front license plate,” Deter said.

“I’m treating him like a murderer,” he added.

The dozen members of the grand jury also indicted Tensing on a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter. If he is convicted of murder, he faces 15 years to life in prison.

Police officers are out to arrest Tensing, who is expected to be booked later Wednesday.

Deters initially held back the body camera footage to show the video to Dubose’s family first, but released the footage during the press conference.

“I do think that body cameras should be mandatory for law enforcement,” family attorney Mark O’Mara said.

An attorney for Dubose’s family told reporters that there would not have been an indictment without the video.

Tensing’s lawyer, Stuart Matthews, told the Cincinnati Enquirer on Tuesday that his client was in fear for his life before shooting Dubose and that he thought he would be run over by the car. Tensing has been a police officer for just over four years, and joined the UCPD in April 2014.

“He’s not doing well. He feels terrible about it. He didn’t become a police officer to go out and shoot anyone,” Mathews told WCPO earlier.

Dubose had a lengthy criminal record, including over 75 traffic and drug charges in Hamilton County, the Guardian reported. However, his family said he was not a violent man, but rather the father of 13 children who was engaged to be married.

“He got stopped a lot, but he never tried to fight,” Audrey Dubose, his mother, told the Cincinnati Enquirer.



Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic
Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic

Gay teenage angst may not be a mainstream issue for a lot of people but times are a changin’ in America. Growing up in America, or anywhere else for that matter, was never a picnic, however, growing up gay was definitely a private matter that led to a lot of alienation and confusion producing: hurtful, harmful, and ambiguous situations for many sons, daughters, parents, and friends.

Ryder Bach and Curt Hansen - Photo by Craig Schwartz
Ryder Bach and Curt Hansen – Photo by Craig Schwartz

Todd Almond’s new rock musical “Girlfriend”, with music and lyrics by Matthew Sweet is a vanguard production that addresses the issues of understanding, acceptance, as well as the hopes and dreams of two gay teenage boys who discover one another in rural Nebraska in the summer of 1993.

Tenderly and sensitively directed by Les Waters, artistic director of Actors Theatre of Louisville (ATL) KY, “Girlfriend” is a perfect fit for Waters, who directed “Marjorie Prime” at the Taper last October which I reviewed, and who is also scheduled to direct “The Christians” at the Taper in January of 2016. I attended the Louisville Humana Festival in 2014 and reviewed the play “The Christians”, directed by Waters who blew me away with its brilliant inventiveness. Audiences at the Taper are in for a real treat come January of 2016.

“Girlfriend”, is a compelling two-hander that stars Ryder Bach as Will, and Curt Hansen as Mike. Will, acts as his and our Greek chorus. He sets the stage as to his own sexuality, pondering how he will ever survive another hot, dusty, Midwest summer of being miserable without any “real” friends to share the vexing issues of growing up in a predetermined, socially rigid, America.

L - R: Band members Janet Robin, Vivi Rama, Julie Wolf and Jyn Yates - Photo by Craig Schwartz
L – R: Band members Janet Robin, Vivi Rama, Julie Wolf and Jyn Yates – Photo by Craig Schwartz

Mike outwardly is a jock. A star baseball player a popular man on campus and well liked with a girlfriend. But he too isn’t fully integrated and ready for full entry into the fabric of American life.

Their first short and sweet encounters as classmates at school are guarded and cautious. No one wants to make a false assumption about the other. Eventually, there is a crack in ice and two begin a journey of discovery. As in life choices must be made with decisions that are painful.

The performances of Bach and Hansen are riveting and mesmerizing to watch. Two young men at the height of their powers who have the talent to attack any situation the characters find themselves in and draw their audience right along with them. The youthful audience was noisy at first, but immediately quieted when the highly charged on stage moments arrived. One could hear a pin drop from an audience of over 300 rapt patrons as the two young actors exchanged their first kiss.

The narrative and action of the story is punctuated by a red hot, four-piece rock band lead by Musical Director Julie Wolf, featuring guitarists Vivi Rama and Janet Robin, and the Buddy Rich performance style of drummer Jyn Yates who really rocks the auditorium.

Ryder Bach and Curt Hansen - Photo by Craig Schwartz
Ryder Bach and Curt Hansen – Photo by Craig Schwartz

Waters’ low key, unseen directorial hand overall is right on. However, if I had to be picky about the production it would come in the area of the glacial pacing and pauses between Will and Mike in the scenes where each makes a decision to close the gap and space that guardedly separates them from full commitment to each other. The production which is performed without an intermission, could easily lose a full ten minutes from its current running time of 90 minutes.

Director Waters leads a creative team of scenic and costume design by David Zinn, a snappy lighting design by Ben Stanton and an approprate sound design by Jake Rodriguez.

“Girlfriend” performs at the Kirk Douglas Theatre and runs through August 9, 2015.


Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic
Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic

Stephen Sondheim is arguably the most influential American lyricist over the last 50 years; forever changing the face of the American musical genre.

Angelina Réaux and Rena Strober~photos Aaron Rumley
Angelina Réaux and Rena Strober -photos Aaron Rumley

Learning the craft at the knee of the great Oscar Hammerstein II as a young teenager, Sondheim became the face and the force of the modern American musical audience over the years. He captivated audiences and performers alike with his brilliant innovative and fresh approach on how to tell a theatrical story in words and music. Performers lined up to be cast in his shows. His supporters are legion. His canon is enormous.

The North Coast Repertory Theatre production of “Side By Side By Sondheim”, does Mr. Sondheim proud! That enormous canon is selectively and lovingly brought to life by four gifted and talented singer/actors in a 90 minute free flowing tribute to his genius under the inspired direction of North Coast artistic director David Ellenstein. With over 30 numbers that capture the memories, the moods, and the full range of the human experience, Ellenstein’s sensational cast just sizzle and shine on stage, both in solo turns and in two and three-part harmony ensemble numbers.

Rena Strober, and Randall Dodge, and Angelina Réaux
Rena Strober, and Randall Dodge, and Angelina Réaux – photos Aaron Rumley

The four Equity artists bring a wealth of performing experience ranging from East Coast theatres, including Broadway, to West Coast stages and in between, with a dash of the international opera scene in the bargain.

Nicholas Mongiardo-Cooper as Narrator, Randall Dodge as the Man, Angelina Reaux as Woman 1, and Rena Strober as Woman 2, are accompanied by onstage pianist 1 and Musical Director Alby Potts and Pianist 2 Tom Abruzzo. It’s an ensemble group made in heaven for aficionados of Sondheim music and lyrics.

It’s really a treat to hear and see singers diaphragmatically breathe while performing. The tone and clarity of the lyrics is enhanced as well as the music when artists employ their training. Alas, we don’t see enough that these days. If one sings in the shower and their friends tell them how great they sounded last night in the bar that apparently is all of the training they want to endure. Pity. Many a short career lies ahead for tyros.

Not so with this wonderful group of pros. There are so many beautiful, poignant, and memory-inducing moments in this dazzling production that it is difficult to list them all. However, there are always favorite numbers that hit their emotional marks and are felt by all audiences.

Angelina Réaux, Nicholas Mongiardo-Cooper, Randall Dodge,  and Rena Strober
Angelina Réaux, Nicholas Mongiardo-Cooper, Randall Dodge,
and Rena Strober – photos Aaron Rumley

My personal favs in this show were: “If Momma Was Married” sung in two-part harmony by Angelina Reaux and Rena Strober; “Getting Married Today” by Rena Strober is the breath-challenging number that never fails to get applause at its conclusion; “Can That Boy Foxtrot” by Reaux and Strober is a clever little ditty of double entendres that bring smiles to the faces of the singers as well as the audience. “Barcelona” by Dodge and Strober hit a chord with many in the audience if the knowing laughs I heard from the audience were any indication.

Angelina Reaux’s rendition of “I Never Do Anything Twice”, with more trills than a bird aviary, plus her emotionally-haunting “Send in the Clowns” number were two show stoppers among many. Mongiardo-Cooper and Dodge made the number “Beautiful Girls” from Follies come alive once more. Reaux and Strober’s electrifying “A Boy Like That” from “Westside Story” makes the hair on one’s nape of the neck quiver with emotion. Mongiardo-Cooper’s rendition of “Being Alive” is powerful and moving. Strober’s “Losing My Mind” is another love song that goes to the core of love and marriage relationships; a leitmotif present in many of Sondheim scores and shows. It’s great stuff not to be missed!

The creative team led by director Ellenstein includes the North Coast Rep Company’s one-two punch duo of Set designer Marty Burnett, and Lighting designer Matt Novotny, along with costume design by Renetta Lloyd, and Sound design by Melanie Chen; with Props by Benjamin Cole; and projection designs by Aaron Lumley. As usual the technical credits are first rate at North Coast.

It’s a splendid and entertaining evening of theatre that will last in one’s memory throughout the entire summer. “Side by Side By Sondheim” performs at North Coast Repertory Theatre through August 16, 2015.

Sandra Bland autopsy: No evidence of homicide

Sandra Bland’s autopsy, conducted after her death in a Texas jail cell, showed that the activist committed suicide, the Waller County District Attorney’s Office said. None of the injuries on her body were consistent with a homicide.

Neither the hands nor the neck of Sandra Bland have injuries that are consistent with those found in cases of homicide, according to the newly released autopsy results.

Bland had marijuana in her system at the time of her death, as well as 30 cut marks on her left wrist that were at least two to four weeks old, Waller County Prosecutor Warren Diepraam said during a press conference Thursday afternoon.

“The Harris County Medical Examiner’s Office, as you know, has listed the cause of death as hanging and the manner of death as a suicide, based upon the physical and pathological findings of their highly qualified assistant medical examiner in this case, which has been reviewed by Dr. [Dwayne] Wolf, who is second-in-command at the Harris County Institute of Forensic Science,” Diepraam said.

“Some of the information that we are releasing today we feel compelled to release because of specific allegations from some individuals about the circumstances that occurred in the Waller County jail and/or on the streets of Prairie View, Texas” where Bland was arrested, Diepraam said.

“We have not asked for, nor do we intend to ask for, a second autopsy,” Diepraam said. “The family of Miss Bland… may have requested a second autopsy for themselves. That is with their purview and within their capabilities. We certainly would endorse them in whatever they want to do, and we hope that they will be as publicly disclosing with their information as we have been with ours.”

Bland’s family has vocally denied that she would have committed suicide in the jail, noting she was extremely excited to begin her new job at Prairie View A&M University.

No ‘unicorn arrangement’: Kerry fires back at Senate critics of Iran deal

Republican lawmakers criticizing the administration’s nuclear deal with Iran are looking for “some sort of unicorn arrangement involving Iran’s complete capitulation,” Secretary of State John Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Kerry blasted the notion that a better deal could have been achieved as a “fantasy, plain and simple.”

The marathon hearing was mostly divided along party lines, with Democrats backing the administration’s position and Republicans blasting the agreement as bad for the US and Israel. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has aired TV commercials urging lawmakers to reject the deal.

Joining Kerry were Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who explained the role of financial sanctions in bringing Iran to the negotiating table, and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, who took part in the talks with Iranian officials.

The agreement, announced last week in Vienna, “is the good deal we have sought,” and would provide a “stronger, more comprehensive, and more lasting means of limiting Iran’s nuclear program than any realistic alternative,” Kerry told lawmakers.

Under the deal’s terms, Kerry said, Iran would get rid of 98 percent of its enriched uranium stockpile, two-thirds of its enrichment centrifuges, and the existing core of its heavy-water reactor. Iran would also be barred from producing or acquiring enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium for at least 15 years.

Many of the measures from the agreement will stay in place for the lifetime of Iran’s nuclear program, Kerry said, enabling the US to “verifiably ensure it remains exclusively peaceful.”

Republican lawmakers, however, were openly scornful of the administration’s claims. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican and chairman of the committee, rejected the argument that the only alternative to the deal was going to war with Iran.

“You’ve been fleeced,” said Corker.

Other Republican senators expressed frustration with the fact that the Obama administration has already taken the deal to the UN Security Council, which approved it on Monday.  Congress has 60 days to weigh in on the agreement, under the provisions of a compromise bill adopted in May after acrimonious debate. Lawmakers say the UN resolution has put them before a done deal.

At one point, Kerry defended Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, noting that he had issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons. It was Khamenei who insisted a promise that Iran would “never go after a nuclear weapon” be included in the text of the agreement.

Rejecting the deal in Congress would amount to a rejection of not just good faith of the Iranian leadership, but the entire nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT), which 198 states currently observe.

“So what’s your plan?” asked the visibly exasperated Secretary of State. “Erase their memory?”

“President Obama has made it crystal clear we will never accept a nuclear-armed Iran,” Kerry said. “But the fact is that Iran now has extensive experience with nuclear fuel cycle technology. We can’t bomb that knowledge away.”

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew also tried to disabuse lawmakers from the notion that continuing the sanctions that were “crushing” Iran’s economy was an alternative to a deal. The only reason the sanctions were effective, Lew said, was the widespread support from other countries. If the deal fell through, that support would disappear, he said.

Another point of criticism was that the Clinton administration signed a nuclear deal with North Korea, which resulted in Pyongyang obtaining a nuclear weapon. Kerry noted that the North Korean deal fell through because the Bush administration reacted to Pyongyang’s violations by shutting down diplomacy, and that the Iran agreement was designed to prevent that from happening again.