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Gallery 446 in Palm Springs

Story and photos by Pat Krause
Story and photos by Pat Krause

An Artist Reception was held at 446 Gallery in Palm Springs on Sept 28th. Gallery 446 X UERILLAONE presented “The Fifth Element The Golden Era of Street Art” and curated by Laurie
Weitz and Eddie Donaldson. The exhibition will run from Sept 28 thru November 3rd. Featured artists were Mear One, Curtis Kulig, Annie Preece, Defer, Motel, Gregory Siff, Skylar Grey, Cryptik and David Flores.

Guests arrived at the Gallery at 6pm. Many guests found it fun to be photographed in front of a large white backdrop. Several artists came to view the others creations. Celebrity actress Bobbie Eakes arrived with her husband David Steen.

All proceeds from the evenings reception would benefit BOO2Bulling. org,an anti-bullying organization. An afterparty was held at The Falls in Palm Springs from 9 to 12. Gallery 446 is located at 446 S. Indian Canyon Drive. For gallery information, contact Dimitri Halkidis at info@gallery446.com or call 760-459-3510

“Rock Out To Knock Out Hunger”

Story and photos by Pat Krause
Story and photos by Pat Krause

The first annual “Rock Out To Knock Out Hunger” and dance party fundraiser was held on Saturday Sept 28 at Bar in Palm Springs. Sept is Hunger Awareness Month. Guests were asked to donate a $10.00 cover charge and bring canned items for help feed the hungry. The city of Palm Springs Office of Sustainability partnered the event. Palm Springs City Councilman Paul Lewin presented Lisa Houston CEO of Find Food Bank with a Proclamation in honor of Hunger Awareness month.

Jim Houston, Father-in-law of Lisa Houston and local philanthropist, celebrated his birthday by offering to match up to $10,000 that will be raised during the month. Residents can donate canned food items by dropping them off at the Palm Springs City Hall and Palm Springs Public Library. Any donation is helpful as $10.00 will provide 70 meals. Find Food Bank currently distributes food to 80,000 people per month thru a network of local partners such as food pantries, Shelters, Soup kitchens, senior centers plus and even after school programs.

The Band Famous for Nothing from Santa Monica played to a large crowd for dancing. Lisa Houston wants the whole Coachella Valley to be a Hunger Free Zone.

 Gwen Ford, Patrick Swartout, Lisa Houston, Keith Flagler, Amy Blaisdell
Gwen Ford, Patrick Swartout, Lisa Houston, Keith Flagler, Amy Blaisdell


Story and photos by Pat Krause
Story and photos by Pat Krause

The Marquee Academy of Performing Arts held a sneak preview of the cast in costume on Sept 28th of the upcoming production of Annie. Talented Coachella Valley youth will be performing their first production on Oct; 17,18,19, 24,25,26 and November 1 & 2 at 7pm at the Marquee Academy of Performing Arts in Palm Springs at 441 South Palm Canyon Drive.

There will be a Dinner Theatre fundraiser on Oct. 19th catered by Casa de Frida for $175 per person with a preview of Songs from the production of Annie. The Marquee is a new non-profit music school that fosters artistic growth of the Valley’s children. There are 28 children in this performance with another 50 children on a waiting list for the next production. 2 girls from Coachella travel by Sun-bus for rehearsals.

The goal of the Academy is provide Music Lessons to children regardless of their family’s financial status. For Information contact director Dena Prestinizi or Dena@marqueearts.org.

 Ryan Segura as Daddy Warbucks, Stephanie Moreira as Grace with Giavanna Faraci as Annie with Sandy the dog
Ryan Segura as Daddy Warbucks, Stephanie Moreira as Grace with Giavanna Faraci as Annie with Sandy the dog
“Annie”  Cast members

Mark Taper Forum Focuses on the Unique Talent and Imagination of Lorenzo Pisoni in A One Man Show

Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic
Jack Lyons Theatre & Film Critic

One-person shows are best served when the director is part of the creative writing team.  Solo efforts can reap the benefits that come from a second independent eye as a way of ensuring that the audience remains engaged and entertained.  I’ve often said that only Olivier could direct himself.  The current production on the boards of LA’s Mark Taper Forum is a clever and highly imaginative little gem of a show dealing with the world of clowns entitled “Humor Abuse”.  It is brilliantly performed by professional clown and actor Lorenzo Pisoni and is winningly directed by co-creator Erica Schmidt.

Humor Abuse Photo 1 -web Pisoni, literally entered the world of clowning at the tender age of two performing during intermissions in the family business The Pickle Family Circus of San Francisco.  He became a “contracted” clown at the age of six (without the benefit of an agent).  His father, professional clown, Larry Pisoni raised and trained Lorenzo in all the arts of professional clowning: mime, acrobatics, juggling, comic timing, until his parents separated.  Lorenzo learned well the lessons of being a committed and dedicated professional.  He continued his formal education, attending High School in the City by the Bay; ultimately graduating from Vassar – but always returning to his performing “clown roots”  just to keep his skills set fresh – and then set out to expand his theatrical ambitions.

The thrust of the production revolves around the father-son relationship.  The story/memoir, if you will, is a passionate paean by the handsome and articulate Lorenzo, to not only his father’s artistry, as well as his own, but to the ancient performing art form known as clowning.  The audience is treated to a linear story narrative whose threads are cleverly linked with historical photos of Lorenzo and his family.  It’s a nice touch by writer/director Schmidt who bundles and sews those threads into a loving tapestry of a life performed in the circus.

Humor Abuse Photo 11 -webHowever, there is more to the 90-minute tour de force performance of Lorenzo Pisoni in his co-created show with director Erica Schmidt.  For starters, he is also a very fine actor in every sense of the word.  His stage presence although commanding, is both warm and winning, and his diction and articulation should become mandatory listening for every young actor entering the business.  His crisp, clear, annunciation of the textural parts of his show is a delight to listen to as well as to behold.  Pisoni has acquired quite a resume as an actor over the years.  He’s performed on stage, on screen, and TV winning such acting honors as Drama Desk, Lucille Lortel, and Outer Circle Awards in the process.

The Taper audience realizes right from the opening moments that they are in for a special and wonderful evening of humor and imaginative artistry when Pisoni, armed with a staple gun successfully “tames” a wandering spotlight by stapling the “light” to the stage floor – thus keeping the spotlight on himself.  Its classic Commedia Dell’ Arte clown situation comedy; complete with pratfalls and varying degrees of physical humor always directed at himself and his situations which poignantly resonates with his audience.

Humor Abuse Photo 7 -web“Humor Abuse” is the type of show one rarely sees these days.  It’s a welcome tonic for drama-saturated, TV procedural audiences, or those hooked on alien planet creatures or vampires.  And, oh yeah, you can throw in car chases and explosion as well.  If laughter is your tonic of choice, then you can’t do any better than an evening of “Humor Abuse” at The Mark Taper Forum.  The production runs through November 3rd.

New Snowden leak: NSA is monitoring the Internet histories of millions of Americans


The National Security Agency is collecting information on the Internet habits of millions of innocent Americans never suspected of criminal involvement, new NSA documents leaked by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden suggest.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported Monday that top-secret documents included in the trove of files supplied by the NSA contractor-turned-leaker Edward Snowden reveal that the US intelligence community obtains and keeps information on American citizens accumulated off the Internet without ever issuing a search warrant or opening an investigation into that person.

The information is obtained using a program codenamed Marina, the documents suggest, and is kept by the government for up to a full year without investigators ever having to explain why the subject is being surveilled.

Marina has the ability to look back on the last 365 days’ worth of DNI metadata seen by the Sigint collection system, regardless whether or not it was tasked for collection,” the Guardian’s James Ball quotes from the documents.

According to a guide for intelligence analysts supplied by Mr. Snowden, “The Marina metadata application tracks a user’s browser experience, gathers contact information/content and develops summaries of target.”

This tool offers the ability to export the data in a variety of formats, as well as create various charts to assist in pattern-of-life development,” it continues.

Ball writes that the program collects “almost anything” a Web user does online, “from browsing history – such as map searches and websites visited – to account details, email activity, and even some account passwords.”

Only days earlier, separate disclosures attributed to Snowden revealed that the NSA was using a massive collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, although that program had pulled in intelligence about Americans as well.

After the New York Times broke news of that program, a NSA spokesperson said that “All data queries must include a foreign intelligence justification, period.” As Snowden documents continue to surface, however, it’s becoming clear that personal information pertaining to millions of US citizens is routinely raked in by the NSA and other agencies as the intelligence community collects as much data as possible.

In June, a top-secret document also attributed to Mr. Snowden revealed that the NSA was collecting the telephony metadata for millions of Americans from their telecom providers. The government has defended this practice by saying that the metadata — rough information that does not include the content of communications — is not protected by the US Constitution’s prohibition against unlawful search and seizure.

Metadata can be very revealing,” George Washington University law professor Orin S. Kerr told the Times this week. “Knowing things like the number someone just dialed or the location of the person’s cellphone is going to allow them to assemble a picture of what someone is up to. It’s the digital equivalent of tailing a suspect.”

According to the Guardian’s Ball, Internet metadata picked up by the NSA is routed to the Marina database, which is kept separate from the servers where telephony metadata is stored.

Only moments after the Guardian wrote of its latest leak on Monday, Jesselyn Radack of the Government Accountability Project read a statement before the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs penned by none other than Snowden himself.

When I began my work, it was with the sole intention of making possible the debate we see occurring here in this body,” Snowden said.

Snowden, who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia after being charged with espionage in the US, said through Raddack that “The cost for one in my position of returning public knowledge to public hands has been persecution and exile.”

Apple Once Again Taking Extended Thanksgiving Break as Tim Cook Applauds Employees’ Work


apple_logoAs it is has done in past years, Apple is once again giving its corporate employees the entire week of Thanksgiving week off with pay, offering additional vacation days of Monday, November 25 through Wednesday, November 27 beyond the typical Thursday-Friday holiday period.

Retail and customer support employees will not have the week off as those divisions will need to continue operating, but they will be able to take their extra days off at staggered times. International teams will also be able to take their extra time off at times more convenient for their schedules.

The extra vacation days were announced in an email to employees from Apple CEO Tim Cook, as shared by 9to5Mac. The email praises employees for their work over the past year, from the launches of the new iPhones and iOS 7 to the unveiling of upcoming Mac hardware and software and more. Cook also highlights the company’s “contribution to the society”, including charitable, human rights, and environmental efforts.


It’s been an exciting summer. For the first time, we’ve launched two new iPhone product lines. iOS 7 was created from a deep collaboration between our design and engineering teams, bringing to our customers a stunning new user interface and amazing new features. We unveiled OS X Mavericks and the most powerful Mac ever. The App Store celebrated a new milestone — 50 billion downloads. And we continued to express our love for music with iTunes Radio and the iTunes Festival.

I had the opportunity to visit a few of our stores during the iPhone launch. There is no better place to see and feel why Apple is special. The best products on Earth. Energy. Enthusiasm. The best customers in the world. Passionate team members focused on enriching people’s lives. Innovative products that serve humanity’s deepest values and highest aspirations.

And I am proud to tell you that Apple is also a force for good in our world beyond our products. Whether it’s improving working conditions or the environment, standing up for human rights, helping eliminate AIDS, or reinventing education, Apple is making a substantial contribution to society.

None of this would have been possible without you. Our most important resource is not our money, our intellectual property, or any capital asset. Our most important resource — our soul — is our people.

I realize many of you worked tirelessly to bring us this far. I know it required great personal sacrifice.

In recognition of your incredible efforts and achievements, I’m happy to announce that we’re extending the Thanksgiving holiday this year. We will shut down with pay on November 25, 26, and 27 so our teams can have the whole week off. Retail, AppleCare and a few other teams will need to work that week so we can continue to serve our customers, but will receive the same number of days off at an alternate time. Please check with your manager for details. Our international teams will schedule the vacation days at a time that is best suited for their specific country.

I hope you find the extra time restful and relaxing. You deserve it. Details will be available on AppleWeb soon.

I am exceedingly proud of all of you. I am in awe of what you’ve accomplished and couldn’t be more excited about the future. Enjoy the time away!

The Thanksgiving week will be a busy time for Apple’s retail team, with the traditional Black Friday kickoff for the holiday shopping season coming the day after Thanskgiving. While Apple does not traditionally offer the massive discounts seen at some other retailers, the company does offer modest sales on a number of its products.