The 48th Annual Palm Desert Golf Cart Parade was held on Sunday October 28th on El Paseo. This years theme is American Pride presented by the Auen Foundation. Dick Heckman was this years honorary guest. The Air Museum held a flyover to start the parade with everyone looking skyward for these old biplanes.
The day started at 7:30 with a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Palm Desert Rotary Club. There was a children’s play zone on Larkspur at 11:00. A fancy golf cart show and food vendors filled the day. The parade started at 1:00 with the Camp Pendleton 1st Marine Division Band leading off the parade. Floats of all sizes on golf carts, decorated golf carts, band, owners with pets and children all comprised this family event. Families filled both side of El Paseo Ave to watch. Balloons, popcorn and sandwiches were all part of this wonderful day.
Prizes were awarded to the various floats and entries. The top Sweepstakes and Mayors trophy went to Desert Arc for their beautiful float, Voyage of American Pride. Fifteen first and second prizes were handed out before the parade. Winners could be seen holding up the trophy as they worked their way down the parade route.