
Don’t Forget to Spring Forward! Daylight Saving Time 2012 Begins Tonight

Tonight, while most of us are sleeping, time will spring forward. At 2 a.m. Sunday morning, daylight saving time begins, moving our clocks ahead one...

Golf for Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament the Classic Club

The Second Annual Golf for Kids Celebrity Golf Tournament is hosted by actor Patrick Warburton. Golf was held at the Classic Club on Saturday...

Desert Christian Academy raises $250,000 for scholarships

Bermuda Dunes, CA– “America’s Mayor,” Rudy Giuliani and the hometown heroes among us were honored Saturday night at Desert Christian Academy’s 22nd Annual Auction...

Frank Sinatra Celebrity Golf Tournament

The Frank Sinatra Celebrity Invitational Golf Tournament is celebrating its 24th year. Franks Little Party in the Desert has grown each year. The golf...

Sinatra’s Golf Tournament Ladies Luncheon

The Sinatra Invitational Golf tournament always provides entertainment for the Ladies of the Golfers. A luncheon was held at Fantasy Springs Resort spa Casino...


