In response to this summer’s severe heat conditions, the Community Action Partnership of Riverside County, Riverside County Department of Public Health, Riverside County Fire Department, Community Connect (2-1-1) and American Red Cross have partnered to open Cool Centers countywide to provide a safe, cool place for individuals to escape the high heat temperatures during the summer crisis months of June through October.
The following two levels of assistance and support for people during summer months will be provided:
Heat Advisory – issued by the Department of Public Health after contact with the National Weather Service when temperature forecasts are expected to reach 97° + for at least three (3) hours. Recommendations for avoiding heat related emergencies are the following:
· Drink water to prevent dehydration
· Stay indoors and make every attempt to stay cool – close your blinds, use your air conditioner, etc.
· Avoid direct sunlight during the peak hours
· Visit a mall, library, or restaurant to stay cool
· Do not leave children, elderly, disabled individuals or pets inside vehicles
Heat Warning – issued by the Department of Public Health after contact with the National Weather Service when the forecast anticipates temperatures of 97° + for three to five consecutive days. When Heat Warnings are issued, Cool Centers will be opened to the public, especially for those individuals more susceptible to the heat such as the elderly. Cool Centers can be activated beginning June 15, 2013.
Cool Centers are located throughout Riverside County. Cool Centers will provide water, some snacks and activities as well as resource and transportation information. Seniors, low-income individuals and families are encouraged to go to a cool center.
The Heat Advisories and Heat Warnings will be disseminated through print and electronic media including television, radio and newspapers and through community and faith-based organizations.
A Hotline has been activated to obtain information on home measures to implement to stay cool and safe, Cool Center locations, hours and general information about heat related problems or questions. The Hotline is open (Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)