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Traveling With Françoise radio broadcasts ‘LIVE’ from the Five Diamond Pelican Hill resort in Newport Beach.


Date: 4/1/12

Time: 11:05 am – 1pm

Radio show info:


11:05 am – 1 pm

Newstalk 920 AM KPSI

R & R  Broadcasting, Palm Springs  CA

Streaming live: www.newstalk920.com  or www.travelingwithfrancoise.com

Local travel radio host Françoise Rhodes takes her #1 weekend talk show to the AAA Five Diamond award winning Pelican Hill in Newport Beach, CA.   Summer is drawing near and Rhodes wants to make sure her listeners know of several options before the heat hits.

Listeners will have the opportunity to register to win a trip to this magnificent property, plus  hear from guests, and win local prizes.   Show may be heard on the radio, online, and via smart phones.

On Saturday 4/7/12 Pelican Hill will be featured on the Traveling With Françoise travel segment on KESQ 3 HD TV around 8:15 a.m.

For more information contact:

Françoise Rhodes




Website: www.travelingwithfrancoise.com


Passover DHS Community Seder



We would like to invite you to a PASSOVER SEDER by Jewish Family Service and Jewish Federation of Palm Springs and the Desert.

A New Perspective for Alzheimer’s Care Providers: Long-Term Care in a Front and Center Position


By Ethelle Lord

Alzheimer’s is quietly changing the face of long-term care. Every 70 seconds a person is receiving the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s in the United States (http://www.louisianamedicalnews.com/alzheimer-s-diagnosed-every-70-seconds-in-the-u-s-cms-1500). A family becomes emotionally, physically and financially responsible for the care of that individual with Alzheimer’s.

Baby boomers who must place their loved one in long-term care are demanding partnerships with the management of these facilities. They are insisting on having an active input never seen before in long-term care. This new phenomenon is credited to the rapid growth of Alzheimer’s diagnosis and the exhaustive demands of caregiving all

over the world. The caregiver’s partnership agreement allows family caregivers to complete their cycle of responsibility to the individual with Alzheimer’s. Such partnership agreements offer governments and organizations a rare and unique opportunity to improve their services without having to hire more professional caregivers while benefiting from family caregiver support, knowledge and skills.

In some areas of the world funds are being cut by governments to organizations providing long-term care at a time when the demands on services are increasing. This is putting pressure on an already growing caregiving crisis. Only now in other areas of the world governments are contemplating the possibility of establishing long-term care facilities due to the rapid growth Alzheimer’s and the pressure it is putting on their existing systems.

The partnership agreements are introduced at a time when admissions of individuals with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia into long-term care are is on the increase all over the world. Although not everyone ends up in long-term care, there needs to be a safety net for those who find themselves having to complete their cycle of caregiving responsibility (stages of family caregiving see http://www.remembering4you.com/articles/stay-well.html) and a way of assuring the best quality of care possible for individuals with Alzheimer’s.

Depending on where you live in the world, family values dictate the best form of caregiving. For example in China and India it is family members who take full responsibility for the care of the person with Alzheimer’s, while in the UK and America family members are responsible for as long as they are able to provide the care but if necessary they have the option of long-term care services to help complete the cycle of caregiving. No matter where in the world Alzheimer’s strikes new perspectives are welcome.

New perspectives of dealing with the enormous ethical, personal and financial responsibilities of Alzheimer’s care are inviting a real and positive change for all of us. It does not have to be a human tragedy resulting in a caregiving crisis. The call to all governments, organizations, and family caregivers around the world is to change the way services are funded and provided for the care of individuals with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s partnerships are a breath of fresh air for governments and businesses, not to mention family caregivers, who seek to maintain and continue to improve the quality of care while maintaining or minimizing the costs of operation.


About the author: Ethelle G. Lord has her Doctorate of Management in Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix (2010). Dr.Lord is an adjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior and author. She has her own coaching business at Remembering for You (dot) Com and Teamwork Coaching (dot) Com. From 1992-1996 she had a private practice in mental health counseling; in the late 80s she was a paralegal for Legal Services for the Elderly; and from 1992-1996 she was a two-term President of the Maine Gerontological Society of Maine. Ethelle is married to Maj. Larry S. Potter, USAF Retired and lives in Maine. Visit us today at http://remembering4you.com and contact the author at Info@remembering4you.com

The future of Community, the future of Web

By Michael Burke

This morning, I met with Max Liebermann and another technician about the new DHStoday.com website, a Community-Social-Network, just for the City of Desert Hot Springs, and was basically showcased what they had and was asked to jump on board.  I am more than thrilled and honored.  I really see this as a potential for our community, and eventually, perhaps, EVERY community.

Today, we discussed how Facebook is too large… it is kind of hard to find businesses in your backyard, see what people are saying close by, it can be difficult to find things to do when you visit or move somewhere new.

This is not to say Facebook doesn’t serve a purpose. It is perfect for chatting with your friends, finding your high school buddies, supporting business… but, it is still difficult to find out what to do in an area, to advertise in your area exclusively, to find places to work for, to find people that need your service locally, ect.

This is where DHS Today comes in… 

DHS Today is not a replacement for current social media websites, it is an extention.  Facebook and Twitter are almost required for finding friends online, for creating a business precense for your potential clients, for marketing.  DHS Today, however, is for helping DHS residents find your online all your presences, for telling your friends what there is to do, to find out what other people in DHS are doing, and to discuss city matters publicly.

DHS Today will be for gathering what is happening next door… and then, to take with you to post on Facebook to tell everyone else.  It is a place to advertise your business first.  It is the local TV station you learn what’s going on outside your window, then to share with the rest of the world.  It is more the future of magazines, newspapers and classifieds then it is of social networking.

This can be a place to find jobs, not just from of people who have money to advertise, from regular people, YOUR neighbors.  This can be place to discuss how to start business, not from expensive classes, from regular people, YOUR neighbors.  This can be a palce to talk about city issues and politics, not from journalists, from, you guessed it… regular people, YOUR neighbors.   Not anonymous users on Yelp, people you have probably actually met going about your daily routine, by their name.  It is 100% personal.

Do you own a business?  A nonprofit? A school club? Have an event upcoming?  Well, either you can pay Facebook and Google Adsense and have that chance through their local settings to see, or, you can advertise in your neighborhood’s personalize social network, granteed to find people who are active, and looking for something to do, and looking to network, all in their own, and your own, community

Now, how about using the internet to really connect with your desired audience?  Sure, Facebook and Twitter do help with that, and will still be required on different levels.  But, imagine, the ma and pa shops, local schools and churches, and even commercial businesses’ local stores, being able to connect to an audience of people they may very well know personally.

The reason people will use this is the same reason they pick up the Desert Sun, to learn about what is effecting their backyard, and to become a part of it.  And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a complete open environment, ran by everyday people. You participating will mold this.

This can be a website that will create jobs, create fun things to do, educate people about city issues, welcome in tourists, and, heck, create something that can become the norm for EVERY city!
Join us, help us create, and share, and shape the future of our city, the valley, and the web!

– Michael R. Burke

BurkeMedia Productions CEO,
Desert Hot Springs Planning Commissioner.

Fashion Week on El Paseo with Stars from TVs Project Runway

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

Fashion Week on El Paseo Brought in the Stars from TVs Project Runway.The Designers brought some of the styles they created for the TV show. Others brought some of the items they thought would be the best for the women and men of this area.

Wednesday the Cast of Project Runway arrived by limo to the big white tent on Larkspur next to the main Tent where all the runway action takes place. The designers spoke about their designs for the Media. They held a Q & A for reporters and photographers emceed by Style Maven, Susan Stein. They thanked our own local fashion designer and cast member, Michael Costello for bringing them to the Desert and Fashion Week. They all said this is an important venue because they can’t become known if no one sees what they produce. Shows are where they can bring what they create to the public

Wednesday night brought all the designers to the runway with the fashions they made. They had little time to get the models ready, hair, makeup and outfits and gowns that fit to best showoff their creations. A cocktail reception was held prior to the runway show. The show lasted about an hour with standing room only in the main tent. The audience clapped after each time the styles were shown and the designer was introduced. A lot of oohs and aahs were heard when the audience saw something special they liked. Our own Local Michael Costello got a larger applause as he came on the runway. He touched hand with the people next to the runway and he was the last designer of the night.

There was only one fashion designer that brought men’s clothing. the models Hair, Make-up,plus the Jewelry and accessories were chosen by the artist. Each fashion stylist had different styles to show. American Idol finalist Pia Toscano sang a couple songs from her new album for the audience.

A trunk show was held on Thursday afternoon where customers could buy the items shown on the runway on Wednesday evening. They could be able to order each item in their own size if none were available. There was a long line of women waiting for the doors to open for the trunk show. Personal contact with the designers and talking to them about the items they purchased is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fashion Week just keeps getting bigger with world wide attention.

The weekend will be the food and wine events. This event will test the taste buds of the best critic. One does not want to miss this special time of Fashion Week. Top designers and the best in foods and wines is a great way to finish this grand event.

A Celebration of life for Richard Milanovich

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

Richard Milanovich was laid to rest on Wednesday, March 21st. He passed away on March 11th after a long bout with cancer. A Celebration of life was held at the Palm Springs Convention Center. It was probably the best place to hold all the over 4000 people that attended. A buffet lunch was provided as friends and family left the service that did not attend the trip to the cemetery.

Dignitaries and Tribal Members spoke about Richards accomplishments in the Valley and for the Tribes. He was Tribal Chairman for 30 years. He brought passion for life and the Tribal ways in those years. He was an instrumental force in the building of the casinos in our area. Gaming in the casinos was largely due to his involvement at the State level. He was always considerate to those in need and a friend to all that knew him. He had this magnetic personality that shown because it came from his heart.

The service was not allowed to be photographed by photographers so I will try to tell you what it looked like inside the convention Center Were the speakers and the service was held. I was awed by the way the casket was presented to guests. The casket was covered by a white Agua Caliente Flag. The stage where he laid was like a desert scene. Palm trees of all sizes in the back ground and huge boulders on the floor. A large photo of Richard Milanovich was hung between the tall palm trees in the center. Speakers spoke at a podium just below that photo like he was looking down at them and smiling. It looked like a Traditional area for a member of the Tribe to be put to rest.

The ballroom area was filled with people with very few empty seats. He was such a beloved man that a huge crowd wanted to be a part of this special last occasion to honor him. Everyone was given a booklet about the service, the speakers and his life. A tribute to a great leader and friend. He held many titles both Tribal and state wide in his amazing career as a leader.

Eulogies were given by State leaders such as Governor Jerry Brown, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack and City Mayors Kathleen DeRosa,G.Dana Hobart and Steve Pougnet. Chairmen from many California Tribes and other Tribal Leaders and Friends and his daughter Tristan Milanovich gave touching eulogies. A private burial was attended by Family, Tribal members and Invited guests.