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Steppin’ Against Human Trafficking


Freedom Walk and Freedom Fair commemorate National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Los Angeles – the Coalition to abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) in partnership with LA Metro Taskforce on Human Trafficking and other nonprofit community organizations will commemorate this year’s National Human Trafficking Awareness Day with FREEDOM WALK and FREEDOM Fair.  These two annual activities bring together the Los Angeles community to send a clear message that slavery and trafficking need to be stamped out.

Angelica Salas, executive director for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) stated:  “The evil that represents slavery and human trafficking has not dissipated, especially in urban centers where silent victims are threatened into submission and anonymity is guaranteed.  As a community we must ensure that anyone who needs help comes out from the shadows and those guilty of the basest of crimes punished.  CHIRLA is honored to partner with CAST in this worthy project and we look forward to walking with other Angelenos on Saturday”.

WHAT:           Freedom Walk and Freedom Fair, two annual events to commemorate National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

WHEN:           Saturday, January 7, 2012, starting at 9:30 a.m.

WHERE:         Millenium Biltmore Hotel, Heinbergen Room, 506 S. Grand Ave., LA, 90017

WHY:              Walkers should register at www.lafreedomwalk.com.

OTHER:         For more information you may visit:  http://www.castla.org/la-freedom-walk

Donnelly Fails California Again


Assemblyman from Twin Peaks sought to defeat the California Dream Act and failed

Los Angeles – California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks) informed his followers today that a signature-gathering drive to defeat the California Dream Act has failed.  Mr. Donnelly sounded defiant in printed statements as he acknowledged his efforts have been insufficient to gather the necessary 504,760 valid signatures required to place a referendum on the ballot.

The following is a statement from Angelica Salas, executive director for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA).

“Once again, Assemblyman Donnelly has wasted an incredible amount of time and resources fighting an education bill he disagrees with instead of meeting the needs of his constituents and other Californians.

We wonder if Mr. Donnelly’s endless and fruitless war against immigrants should be evaluated by those who entrusted him with their vote to determine if he’s the right person to lead them into the 21st century.

The California Dream Act is a fair, timely, and inexpensive bill that will support a limited number of financial scholarships to undocumented students who have been brought to the U.S. as children.  Contrary to Mr. Donnelly’s belief, California’s large diverse population supports the merits of the legislation and looks forward to its implementation in 2013.”

Defiant Obama seeks peace with Taliban

AFP Photo / Str

Never mind 9/11. American authorities are all set to exchange top Taliban officials with the Afghanistan government in hopes of coming to a truce between Washington and Kabul.

High-ranking insurgents with ties to the Taliban will be released from American custody and shipped out of Guantanamo Bay if the deal materializes. The US is agreeing to free the alleged terrorists in exchange for Afghanistan’s agreement to cooperate with peace talks and open a political office in the nation of Qatar.

To some, it’s a move that only cements what many have said all along — that the America’s war in Afghanistan, the lengthiest the US has ever involved itself in — was waged for nothing.

“I think this marks that point in time where there’s an admission, maybe not openly, that we’re not going to achieve a military overwhelming dominance with the Taliban,” Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer from the Center for Advanced Defense Studies tells RT. “I think the idea of releasing these individuals without an idea of what we’re getting in return is not really a good idea and I think it’s almost an act of desperation.”

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Love, Honor, Cherish

Images via Nairn Howard, Love Honor Cherish

Palm Springs, CA – A new Speakers Bureau is being kicked off at The Center with an   inaugural presentation by Eric Harrison of Love, Honor and Cherish on Wednesday, January 11th at 5 pm. Love, Honor and Cherish is an organization launched in May 2008 that aims to repeal Proposition 8 in the next general election in 2012. Love, Honor and Cherish continues to lead the struggle to repeal Prop 8 and Harrison will discuss his organization’s continuing fight for marriage equality.

This will be followed by Getting All Your Ducks in a Row, With Smart Sensible Planning, presented by Joseph Hahn and Cary Boisvert on Thursday, January 12th at 5 pm. Joe Hahn, attorney at law, and Cary Boisvert, mortuary supervisor at Forest Lawn, present in tandem on a range of practical considerations for educating the LGBT community about the tools available to assist in setting up simple, smart and sensible legal and financial controls in their lives.  They will also address how to communicate personal preferences regarding health care and funeral choices to make sure your wishes are respected.

These two FREE lectures will be followed by other upcoming lectures on Stopping Elder Abuse presented by the Palm Springs Police Department on Tuesday, January 17th, and a presentation on How to Manage Your Online Reputation and avoid negative consequences on Wednesday, January 25th.’

In October, 2011, The Golden Rainbow Center became The LGBT Community Center of the Desert.  The mission of The Center is to enrich the lives of the LGBT community.  While maintaining and strengthening senior services as a SAGE affiliate, The Center has undertaken a transformation.  Key areas of change are a major expansion of the counseling program, a youth crisis collaboration with the Trevor Project and more outreach to women, people of color and the transgender community.

Anonymous Blitzkrieg: Hactivists declare war on Neo-Nazis

Supoorters of the extreme right National Democratic Party of Germany (AFP Photo DDP/ Henning Kaiser Germany Out)

Activists of the Anonymous online hacker community have launched a web campaign against German neo-Nazi and other far-right sites. Their website nazi-leaks.net makes it obvious the hactivists favor the Wikileaks strategy.

A statement alleged to be attributed to the Anonymous group announced the start of what it calls Operation Blitzkrieg, stating the goal of identifying “sites where the nazis gather.”

The campaign started with nazi-leaks.net publishing a list of names and personal data, including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers, of those who Anonymous consider linked to the National Democratic Party (NPD), an extreme-right political party in Germany, donating to it, or alleged to have had some business with various extreme-right sites.

Emails of NPD members and customer lists from far-right shops have been posted online for public access as part of the operation. Some of those who wrote for the Junge Freiheit (Boys Freedom) newspaper are also on the ‘black’ list, which contains hundreds of names.

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Have a heart! ‘Tender-hearted’ Kim Jong-un orders detectors shot – reports

Kim Jong-un (AFP Photo / KCNA)

The North Korean regime does not seem to be softening with its new, young leader Kim Jong-un succeeding his father Kim Jong-il, as reports say he is taking tough measures on potential defectors.

Following the death of the country’s longtime “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-il on December 17, power was handed to his son, who North Korean official media call a “meticulous and tender-hearted man.” The official agencies burst with excitement and piety when Kim Jong-un was reported to have sent hot sweet drinks to mourners paying their last respects to his late father despite harsh weather conditions.

But when it comes to more concrete actions, the young leader seems neither sweet nor tender-hearted – though he is surely meticulous. This week, sources reported Kim the younger gave an order to shoot defectors attempting to flee the country.

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