The College of the Desert Graduating class held its commencement ceremony on May 24th in the Athletic Field on Campus. Almost 700 students graduated in 2013 in the many fields the college offers. There were 37 Veterans in this years class and the youngest student to graduate was 19 and the oldest was 67. There were 8 students with a 4.0 or better grade.
A procession was led by the teachers and administrators to the music of Pomp and Circumstance. Superintendent/President Joel L. Kinnamon Ed.D. presided over the event. Kinnamon gave the welcoming speech and presented the Faculty and Administration to the crowd. The bleachers and grassy areas were filled with proud family and friends of the graduates who brought balloons, flowers and banners.
Assistant Professor Douglas Redman introduced the Outstanding Faculty Member for 2012-2013. Professor of Computer Information Systems accepted the award and gave a short speech. Adrian Gonzales, interim Vice President student affairs introduced 2 of the Student Commencement speakers that graduated with the highest honors. There were 156 students that graduated with a 3.5 or better grade.
Deborah Suer and Shi Tang both gave encouraging speeches. They spoke of the reasons they came to COD to study and what brought them to the desert. Suer started another career by attending college later in life and Tang is a foreign student from China.
Congressman Raul Ruiz, MD the keynote address.
Joel L. Kinnamon, ED.D. and Michael O’Neill, Chair,Board of Trustees handed out the certificates of graduation as each student came to the podium. The recessional procession was done to the music “Fanfare for the Common Man”. The College of the Desert Alumni Association and the College Board of Trustees invited all attending to a reception in the college Gymnasium after the ceremony.