If talking about sex makes you blush with embarrassment there’s an opera that carries a tune for everything you wanted to know but were too shy to ask. ‘Life from Light’ reportedly borrowed its verse from Wikipedia descriptions of sexual intercourse.
One of the arias contains the following description: “The erect penis of the male is inserted into the female’s vagina until the male ejaculates semen which contains sperm, into the female’s vagina,” The Independent reported.
‘Life from Light’ is the brainchild of the 36-year-old Spanish composer Toni Castells, hailed as “Massive Attack meets Mendelssohn”.
“At times I have problems dealing with my dark side, music helps me return to the light,”Castells explains on his website.
The theme of the opera is said to revolve around Charles Darwin’s famous quote about “the impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity for looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity.”
“If we can knock down any pre-conceived walls that exist within opera and the general public of the genre being in anyway elitist and the domain of the upper classes, then we will be revolutionising the opera world as well as helping to educate even further the masses when it comes to subjects such as family planning and safe sex,” the up-and-coming composer told the newspaper.
Set to premiere at London’s Union Chapel, the show has been modestly billed on the venue’s website as “an exploration of what it means to be human on planet Earth.”