In the 1950’s Cabot Abram Yerxa published 280 newspaper columns describing his struggles and joys as a Desert Hot Springs area homesteader from 1913 – 1918, his discovery of the “miraculous” hot-water aquifer, his observations of desert life, and his friendships with Hollywood celebrities at the nearby B-bar-H Ranch. (an excerpt from his book, available for sale at the Cabot’s Museum)
When I came to Desert Hot Springs in the 90’s Cabot’s was ready to be ‘Cater-pillared’ back into the earth it was created from. All this creative work and art of Cabot Yerxa and with it, the history of Desert Hot Springs bulldozed away in a blink of an eye.
Lucky for all of us, this never happened. Instead, some dedicated and far-sided and enterprising folks came up with this great idea and created the Cabot’s Yerxa Museum.
Last night, a huge crowd of Cabot’s fans and supporters came out to party and to celebrate the final victory, the recognition and the placement of the Museum into the national register. It was a wonderful night. The atmosphere was happy; people laughed, and enjoyed the wine and great food and the western music. The Cabot’s Foundation Board and Barbara ad Jerry Keller the honorary Co-chairs, did a first-class job hosting ‘an evening at the pueblo’.
Donna and Cargill Macmillan, Mary Bono Mack and Barbara Maron received special recognitions for their efforts and support.