
Legs the size of your arm: Shopper calls on US retailer to shelve stick-thin mannequins

An American woman shopping at a department store in Florida was put off from continuing her shopping spree after seeing several mannequins she described...

‘The Queen is Nude’: Berlusconi’s rag to publish topless pics of Princess Kate

Chi, an Italian gossip magazine owned by former PM Silvio Berlusconi, will publish topless photos of Princess Kate, wife of British Prince William. The...

Stuxnet, Flame…Gauss: New spy virus found in Middle East

A new virus dubbed Gauss has attacked computers in the Middle East spying on financial transactions, emails and picking passwords to all kind of...

Mass arrests in NYC as OWS movement marks one year

Hundreds of police barricaded the New York Stock Exchange as Occupy Wall Street protesters swarmed the Financial District for the movement’s one-year anniversary, with...

Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA

A lone appeals judge bowed down to the Obama administration late Monday and reauthorized the White House’s ability to indefinitely detain American citizens without...


