Health & Wellness

West Nile virus epidemic the worst America has ever seen

Cities across the United States are being ravaged by an outbreak of West Nile virus, and experts say the epidemic is the worst the...

Rosie O’Donnell Survives Heart Attack

Rosie O'Donnell says she suffered a heart attack last week, but survived it by taking an aspirin. The 50-year-old comedian said her symptoms occurred last...

Make a difference day

National Day of Doing Good! Please join Mission Springs Water District as we partner with United Way of the Desert for this special event.  Weekly fitness...

National disaster: Millions of children prescribed antipsychotic drugs they don’t need

Are doctors going crazy? US psychiatrists prescribe antipsychotic drugs to children in one third of all visits, which is a rate almost three times...

Hyperthermia Demonstration

The Inland Empire Safe Kids Coalition in cooperation with the Rialto Fire Department, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and many other community agencies,...


