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Italian cruise ship: Death toll rises to five with 17 still missing (VIDEO)


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Rescuers have found two more bodies onboard the stricken Costa Concordia, bringing the death toll to five, while 17 more people remain missing. Earlier, a helicopter airlifted a survivor from the capsized hulk of the ship.

The Italian Coastguard says the divers involved in the rescue operation have discovered the bodies of two elderly people in the submerged restaurant of the luxury cruise ship.

An Italian crew member was rescued more than 36 hours after the accident. He has a serious leg injury. During the night rescuers discovered a South Korean honeymoon couple who had been trapped inside the ship for more than 24 hours.

The rescue operation is still under way, but the authorities have reduced the number of missing people from 40 to 17.

Earlier on Sunday the Russian Embassy in Italy announced that it had established contact with all 111 Russian tourists and crew members who were onboard the Costa Concordia at the time of the accident.
“Two missing citizens have been found. They are alright. They are at a hotel in the town of Savona near Genoa,” the embassy spokesman said.

The authorities have arrested the ship’s captain, Francesco Schettino, on charges of manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship while passengers were still onboard.

Witnesses say they saw him in one of the lifeboats covered by a blanket well before all the passengers had been evacuated from the stricken ship. But he insists he was the last to leave the ship.

Police are also investigating why the giant cruise liner strayed off course and ran aground not far from the small island of Giglio. The captain says that the ship was going along its route when it struck a reef which was not marked on the maps. It was only after the accident the liner changed its course.

On Friday the Costa Concordia cruise ship carrying some 4,200 people hit a reef off the Italian coast. Over 4,000 were evacuated from the liner, while rescuers began efforts to save 200 others trapped onboard.

Michael Hastings: Pentagon Press Corps is an extension of Pentagon


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A year after a scathing article in Rolling Stone forced US Army general Stanley McChrystal out of his post in Afghanistan, journalist Michael Hastings reflects on the experience that ended up not at all like he would have imagined.

“I was somewhat surprised by the response,” Hastings told RT. His article, The Runaway General, made headlines after it outted McChrystal and other top-brass in the military for showing a lack of faith in the operation and the Obama administration’s command in Afghanistan. By the time the fallout subsided, McChrystal was removed and Hastings was a hero for his no-holds barred account of the war machine’s bureaucracy.

“I thought he was untouchable,” said Hastings.

Hastings learned a lot from his reporting, but aside from the realities of what words can do to a respected military general, the journalists said that perhaps most eye opening was how in cahoots the Department of Defense is with their own gang of reporters who are supposed to be documenting the United States’ involvement overseas.

“It’s called the Pentagon Press Corps, right?” asked Hastings. “So one would assume they have a watchdog function as to look after the Pentagon. But what it’s become is that the Pentagon Press Corp is just an extension of the Pentagon itself.”

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Class war coming to America

Men look in the window of the Central Park United Methodist Church which has a soup kitchen and food pantry on October 20, 2011 in Reading, Pennsylvania. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP)

Never mind the budding war between America and Iran. A skirmish could be coming a lot closer to home and it might even be as centrally located as your own city. In only two years, tensions have grown greatly between the upper and lower classes.

The results from a recent survey out of the Pew Research Center reveal that 66 percent of the adults studied believe that there are either “very strong” or “strong” conflicts existing between America’s elite and impoverished, a statistic that has skyrocketed in recent years. Between 2009 and 20011, the proportion of those that sense conflicts exist as such between the class groups grew by 19 percentage points. While less than half of Americans fearing a fight brewing at the dawn of the Obama administration, today two-out-of-three Americans feel that there is a strong conflict between both extremes of society.

The growing inequality among the distribution of wealth in America has been a focal point of the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement. Next week the group will stage a protest in front of the Capitol Building in DC to demonstrate against, among other things, the corporate corruption between big business and Washington.

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Condoms become mandatory in Los Angeles

Image from alibaba.com

Sorry, shoppers. If you like your porn flick penises naked and insist that your adult films cancel any camera shots that capture condom-clad units, you are about to be in a whole mess of trouble.

Council members in Los Angeles say porn filmed in the city can only be permitted if the performers put on prophylactics.

The ruling, courtesy of a Tuesday decision from the LA City Council, comes after AIDS activists and safety advocates pressured the city into tightening regulations within the adult film industry. Performers in California are already required to be regularly tested for sexual diseases and produce paperwork before each shoot. Citing an outrageous lack of concern for the public’s health, however, opponents said that that wasn’t enough and have now made their voices heard among the City Council.

The decision was set to be one for the public to make, with a ballot measure scheduled to appear later this year on the same day as the California primary. Instead the City Council has nixed the notion of that question even going up for public debate and adopted the legislation from within.

The ordinance, the City of Los Angeles Safer Sex In The Adult Film Industry Act, will require pornography produced in Los Angeles to only boast scenes in which the male performers are protected with a condom. Inarguably the area is the largest North American producer of porn. With this decision, massive changes are expected to affect not just the production and audience of the films. Others are worried that the backlash could create a tremendous blow to the state’s economy. Furthermore, some still are concerned that the regulations will drive porn outside of sanctioned production houses and will increase an underbelly of unrestricted sex acts caught on film and made and bought on the black market.

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Childhelp 2012 Celebrity Golf Invitational at Indian Wells

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

CHERYL LADD and JOHN O’HURLEY hosted the CHILDHELP CELEBRITY GOLF INVITATIONAL at INDIAN WELLS GOLF RESORT on JAN 8,9,10. There were 2 days of golf. One day at LARRY ELLISON’S PORCUPINE CREEK private golf course in RANCHO MIRAGE  and the other at INDIAN WELLS GOLF RESORT.  All 3 nights of parties were held at HYATT GRAND CHAMPIONS BALLROOM with a
Monday night gala and Tuesday the final night was the awards banquet.

Awards were given to the top golfing teams and closest to the pin awards. The top celebrity winner was baseball great JOHNNY BENCH. Over 25 celebrities participated and each team was paired with a celebrity each day. Some of the other daily celebrity winners were TOMMY THAYER from KISS, TONY DOVOLANI from DANCING With the STARS, Actor JOHN CALLAHAN, baseball great STEVE GARVEY and Football great & actor ED MARINARO, MIKE RENO and Emcees and hosts, JOHN O’HURLEY AND CHERYL

Other honors were given to people that have been huge supporters of CHILDHELP. RON AND SHERRIE AUEN fromthe Berger foundation and “WILD BILL” BILL LAUGHLIN. Silent and live auctions brought many dollars to help the charity. Others gave thousands of dollars at a request by JOHN O’HURLEY. The highlight of that event was when “WILD BILL” donated $100,000 to help build an outdoor recreation center.

Founders of CHILDHELP in 1959, SARA O”MEARA and YVONNE FEDDERSON spoke to the guests and thanked them for everything they have done for the charity and the children. They thanked all the volunteers that spent hours putting this event together. Co-Chairs were KEN RISSOTTO and JUDY JENSEN.

Entertainment at the Gala was JON SECADA. Bands played the final night so guests could dance. A Major name in Movies, GOLDIE HAWN made an appearance at the Gala to show her support for this great charity that helps so many children in need.

CHILDHELP has helped over 200,000 children last year alone and over 5 million since it started. There programs for for abused and neglected children with chapters nation wide. Go to Childhelp.org for more information.

All Photos by Pat Krause Copyright 2012

2012 Miss California USA and Miss California Teen USA at the McCallum Theatre

Story and Photos by Pat Krause

The Annual Miss California USA and Miss California Teen USA was held at the McCallum Theatre on January 8th and 9th. Over 400 young women competed for these prestigious titles.

Contestants were judged on 3 levels, Interviews, Swimsuit and Evening Gown competitions.  Celebrity judges included producer Ty Griffin, Entertainment Magazine’s Chris Mannor and Make up artist Joey Maalouf plus several others.

Reigning Miss CA USA, Katie Blair and Miss CA Teen USA, Alexis Swanstrom and the current Miss USA and former Miss CA USA 2011 were present at this event. Katie Blair gave up her tittle as Miss CA USA on Sunday night and crowned the new Miss CA USA, Natalie Pack.

Natalie Pack was sponsored by Hoag Hospital. 1st runner up was Brie Gabrielle-Miss Malibu, 2nd was Jenny Ting- Miss Diamond Crest, 3rd was Aqueela Zoll, Miss Carmel and 4th was Brittany McGowan, Miss Beverly Hills.

Alexa Jones Miss Teen Orange County was crowned Miss Teen CA USA on Saturday evening with 1st runner up, Cassidy Marie Wolf, Miss Teen Riverside County, 2nd was Tanita Morgan, Miss Teen Agoura Hills, 3rd was Rachael Maurer, Miss Teen Los Angeles County and 4th went to Chloe Hatfield Miss  Teen Southern Counties.

Susana Salazar was entered in the Miss CA USA contest as Miss Palm Springs. Families of the women were present during the udging and would clap or yell when their favorite would be announced on stage.

A thrilling night for all these beautiful and talented women. The winner will now have the opportunity to enter the Miss USA pageant. They will have a busy year promoting the Miss CA USA title.

All Photos by Pat Krause Copyright 2012